Prove them wrong. *sigh* Sounds a fit fierce, doesn’t it. I drew this girl thinking of the amount of times that people that are closest to us make comments or remarks that leave us frustrated and a bit down. And sometimes those comments, because they come from people that we love, have a lot of impact on what we do and the decisions we make.
I know they mean well, most of them anyway. But sometimes we have to go our own way and try hard and make mistakes and keep on going ON OUR OWN. Many of us learn that way. Isn’t this what we tell children? Go on, try. If you make a mistake you didn’t fail, it’s just testimony that you tried(<– hey! another quote idea!). If you stay idle by the side of the road you will never know. You will never make a mistake (although we could argue that staying idle IS the mistake) but you will never feel frustrated or happy. The other side of the coin is you try and you succeed. You try and you learn!
I’m on happy guru mode again it seems! So, Prove them wrong. Try and try again. Prove them wrong but for yourself, not others. And I mean with this, the goal here is to prove yourself that you are resilient. That it is a learning curve and everything counts. In the process you might be successful, and that should prove YOU that you are capable. As a by product, others might learn to keep silent next time. But the objective is to prove yourself that you can and prove others that a bit more trust in you is in order!
This encouraging girl is uploaded to Redbubble on my portfolio Florcitasart I think it makes a fine print! Look, you can even buy it already framed and it looks so cool! I think I want this one for my studio! (screencap so not great quality –>)
Anyway… GO GET THEM!!!!