And here we are locked indoors in a quarantine. My daughter asked me if I had had a quarantine when I was a kid too. It was very difficult to explain to her that this hasn’t happened before. This is something exceptional, new, different. New to all of us.

So, in a quarantine we stay home. We are lucky that our kids go to schools were digital learning is a big part of the curricula already. First day at home, they already had homework even appointments online. Now three weeks in, teachers have been exceptionally good at coming up with schedules and online ways of communicating with the kids, and the kids among themselves. It’s quite a flexible and dynamic way of teaching/learning. By no means I think that education professionals are an obsolete construction now. But, for the time being, this will have to do. Because if we don’t want to fall onto doom cycle of thoughts and spiral downwards, we need to keep going and keep busy (although, that doesn’t mean we have to be mega productive, just entertain ourselves in this times of quarantine!)

Abracemonos: let s hug. But virtually!
So, of course I have been busy. Not so much with the business aspect of my studio. But just creating. I did have meetings with an art Gallery and a client chat about artwork for a home, but the rest got postponed. I guess we are all feeling a tad uncertain.
Follow me on my instagram for more daily updates and some tutorials.
Stay safe and stay home!
This too shall pass!